Sunday 28 November 2010


On Thanksgiving weekend, I foolishly opened my mouth and told Ryan & Deb that I really wanted to babysit the kids. I was hoping for a day, an evening. Was I offered a day or an evening - noooooo, I was offered a whole weekend. I was so very excited - here is my opportunity to bond with my grandchildren!!!

I have learned a lot over the course of this weekend - first and foremost...... I am so very glad that I am Nana and not Mommy - I can't keep up anymore.

We have discovered that somewhere along the way, Austin has picked up a New Jersey accent???? Somebody please explain.

Despite his accent, he is a vital translator because Alex is very difficult to understand a great deal of the time - Austin however, seems to understand her perfectly. The 2 things that I have no difficulty understanding are:  1. I'm hungry! This statement is said constantly throughout the day starting about 5 minutes after a meal is finished and ending when you finally get her to bed at night.
2. I miss Mommy & Daddy. This too is said frequently - most especially when she's tired and when she doesn't like what Nana, Gramps, Auntie Jamie or Scott has said to her.

The 2 children were watching the Tigger Movie after dinner last night. About half way through the movie, Alex informed me that she wanted to feed the ducks - not in the morning when the sun was awake, but right that minute. Of course, when I told her that it was dark outside and we couldn't do that right then, she burst into tears and informed me - I miss my Mommy and Daddy - as if they let her do whatever she wants. I think not!

This morning she got up with a smile on her face and informed me that - Daddy is going to pick me up, after lunch!

On the other hand, Austin did not appear to mind being with Nana & Gramps, however, he is a bit of a terrorist - poor Emma and Abby spent most of the weekend hiding wherever they could where Austin wouldn't find them!

I was up at 7:00 yesterday and at 6:15 this morning, however, I absolutely loved having them both. Alex's smile would melt the heart of the Sphinx while Austin's serious, gangster accent is an absolute delight. I also don't mind sloppy kisses and squeezy hugs.

If I hear the word "Mousekatoodles" one more time in the next 6 months, though, I just might scream!!!!!