Friday 21 January 2011

Gold Party

Last night, I attended a "gold party". This is a party where you bring your old gold - broken, no longer used..... you get the picture. This is similar to those ads you see where you take or mail in your old gold and the company decides what to pay you.

In this case, they actually assess and weigh your gold right there while you watch. I had a small ziploc bag approximately 1/8 full of broken necklaces, bracelets, old rings.

I walked out of there with $525.00!!!! Talk about total shock!! Who'd have thunk it?

Monday 3 January 2011

My Eyes

I hadn't planned on doing more than one post today, however, I took advantage of my New Year stat day today to make a long overdue visit to Dr. White, my optometrist. I knew that I was having difficulty reading the computer these days - what I didn't know was how much trouble.

He decided to test my left eye first and as soon as my right eye was covered, I realized that I was in deep, deep trouble - I was totally unable to read anything and I truly mean anything on the eye chart with my left eye. I have cataracts and very aggressive cataracts at that. Obviously, the one on my left eye is the worst. I go back to see him in six months and he is anticipating that he will be making a referral to a surgeon at that time.

I hate getting old almost as much as I hate trucking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Christmas Weekend with Our Grandchildren

Ryan, Deb, Austin and Alex have finally recovered from their "Twelve Days of Christmas" woes (if you really want a laugh& an explanation, please take a look at:

Saturday, shortly after noon, they descended on our house along with Jamie and Scott - Krista, you were very much missed!!!!

 The very first order of business - you'd think that it would be presents - not!!! It was lunch. I guess that you can't celebrate on an empty stomach. Having been fed, we loaded up 2 cars and headed for the barn where Austin and Alex had fun riding Poppy. While Jamie Led them aroung the arena the first time, both Austin and Poppy wanted to go fast, so, the second time around, they got to ride with Auntie Jamie and "go fast". 

Alex wasn't sure about this "go fast" business, still, she enjoyed riding with her Auntie Jamie. Austin, unfortunately is getting too big to ride with someone else. Poppy was remarkably gentle-natured and very tolerant of these 
                                     2 youngsters on her back. Austin and Alex even helped Jamie and Scott groom Poppy before riding her.                                  
After their riding adventures and a nap, it was time to open gifts. I think that 2 of the biggest hits were Alex's "dress up" trunk and Austin's flat bed truck - just like Gramps'.

Happy New Year!