Monday 21 December 2009

A Very Long Day

This morning, we woke up in Tulsa, Oklahoma (0 degrees Celsius). Tonight we are sleeping in Albuquerque, New Mexico ( 8 degrees Celsius). In between, we traveled through the Texas panhandle and enjoyed a daytime temperature of 20 degrees and beautiful sunshine. As soon as the sun goes down here, the temperature plummets.

Oklahoma was very flat with lots of scrub. The people are very friendly and accommodating. As we entered Texas, we stopped at an Indian Trading Post where we took the pictures of the bison -- the state animal of Texas. These bison were somewhat reminiscent of Mel Lastman's moose. Texas is vast with very large ranches of cattle. Sometimes we would only see one or two head -- apparently the cattle are permitted to roam free until it is time to head for the stockyard. They also grow cotton in Texas -- there are places where the edges of the road look like they are piled with snow when it is cotton bolls that have blown in the wind. We saw a couple of tumbleweeds, but not soon enough to get a picture. Again, the country is very flat with lots of scrub. Suddenly, we turned the last corner in Texas and saw the first mesas of New Mexico. What an amazing site - the pictures do not even begin to do justice to the beauty of the New Mexican scenery.

Unbelievably, the speed limit in both Oklahoma and New Mexico is 75 mi/hr. In Texas, the speed limit is 70 during daylight hours and 65 at night.

The dogs are holding up very well. Emma has adjusted to the long car rides by curling up in the back seat and sleeping except for stops when she has to take a look to see what's going on. Abby, on the other hand continues to fret -- she has to know what'[s going on at all times. She sits and watches out the window and only rarely sleeps in the car.

Another busy day is scheduled for tomorrow -- our last day before arriving in Las Vegas.

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