Sunday 15 February 2009

The end of Trucking!!

I didn't realize just exectly how long it has been since I posted here until Ryna asked me yesterday id I'd given up on the blog. The answer was a resounding "NO" so, I thought I should bring everyone up to date on our lives.

Since Graham went back to work at Taylor as a company driver, he had been doing 2 loads a week with backhauls - work that would have been great as an owner-operator. The reality is that the company makes more money from the company drivers and therefore make sure that they get the majority of the loads.

In three of the past 4 weeks, however, he has only been getting one load a week. This past Thursday, he headed off to Windsor to pick up the very last load that Taylor Transportation would be shipping - the company has closed it's doors and the remaining drivers are now without work. For the second time this year already, Graham has had to clear out his truck.

Fortunately, in the past 3 weeks we have started to become involved with a telecommunications company named ACN. This company sells a video phone - you can actually see the person that you are talking to. This is great for grandparents/ grandchildren as we tried to convince Ryan and Deb yesterday. The phones are digital and have a screen the size of the screens on the portable DVD players (7"). The picture clarity is amazing. We have decided that, if Ryan & Deb get one, then naturally Deb's parents will also need to have one as will all of the aunts and uncles..... etc., etc., etc.
This phone is endorsed by Donald Trump and will be featured on the upcoming Apprentice series.

So, we are truly hoping that this business takes off so that we can be a 2 income family again - will keep you informed!!

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