Saturday 12 February 2011

Here We Go Again

It is Saturday morning at 9:30. I should be sitting here with my cup of tea waiting for "Mr. Lazybones" to drag himself out of bed. Instead, here i am, and there he is - somewhere between New York state and home.

For a while, we weren't sure that he would get home at all this week-end - he wasn't able to get to his pick-up in Pennsylvania from New Jersey until after 6:00 last night (Friday night - when everyone wants to be at home for the weekend). Thankfully, a very kind gentleman came in especially just to load Graham - he even helped him tie down and tarp his load. Unfortunately, by 11:00 last night, Graham had to pull over and sleep. He was somewhere around Corning, New York at the time and thought that he'd sleep for about 5 hours. I know my sweetie better than that - for him to go with just 5 hours of sleep, he has to be working on a deadline. Obviously, getting home does not constitute a deadline, soooooooooo.............................. here I sit, not sure when he will manage to walk through the door. If he's not home by noon, it mean that I will have to go out and do the grocery shopping by myself - another stressor for my failing back.

I've said it before and now I'll say it again -- I HATE TRUCKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I especially hate this company that he works for because he is ALWAYS late getting home. The last two weeks it has been 5:00 am on Saturday morning, but, at least he was home!

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